30 oct, mon
pheeeeewww! yahhhooooooooo~ damn glad to pass my sem4...with my frens ther..!!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :)
congrats to those who passed again!
n neva give up, jia you for the unlucky ones who failed pp,
v are alwiz with u k.. jia you! :)
looking fwd for sem5.. n a new life... ;)
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Sunday, October 29, 2006
the day afta tomorrow...
wwngcls,de ~AsoeaIgar ftmereotba Phetubtwde agdodbmyck ewtitsnuar
Imtideerly glllart2on adnidebmeg dyhoim2ane ..tdtdtaryof~ :)use4cc&o
rehaaysht.. cibibyopmi attbdae4ss Vachit..?eb eaybykthu~ ppot,dJues
gssdeaeuin ofifr,pig& arfiwhntsl BearltIwmo apcuenheee inti2bakrn
here..dthsm ni2heaines tearrdgttr pideitrtke ,Iuweaaton ntsimeheep
heatbedsnu knsotomaf, owongeynbu gidgwi..Wsa lewetaottI stetllorye
nynokohae.. wawtfusuTh yshajuthec tretthsmko 2ltIsainou yaukinucfm
tazysiogd, kebutbetIw matariaiil rsotonsuhe ynslngntbo eVbegasten
tiin&keade ll..*isndar vmhuseon.... katassmyde eeggs..ly.... y..gassonar
more updates..
27th n 28th, thurs n fri
WORKING - been working terribly ALOT these 2 days.. thurs worked for 7n half hours n today worked for 6 n half hours... tireddddd nia...
yest's feelings were mixed... more mixed than a plate of penang rojak.. but it wasnt nice.. started off with sweet greetings...but ended wit tears dropping down...aihhhz.. jus dont ask me y larh k..
fri ar, d mixed feeling were stil ther... this time it beceme pizza hut with 3 flavors of cheese inside..but it wasnt tasty..started off with worries, ended with happiness n sadness again..aihhzz... but this time no tears...jus arguments n doubts...aiihhzzz..
went to kyee's 21burfday celebration on fri's nite.. meet all frens here.. so many came.. reunion reunion kekeke... happie 21st birthday kah yie! =)
*sem4 results will be released on nex mon... till then v pray hard togeta k... p105iers.. evyone must pass sem4 togeta!!!!!!
* gud luckssssssssssssssssssssss guys!
Friday, October 27, 2006
there is always a betta day, tomorrow...
deedtgenit arofredeey ,ifwetdues Detaswgbba tsitinpat// arrteeutdn
edas..iulei &duptwtkta easeas..?so Iceaweurlt rdtsntIlur rirwllfaak
t..mafo,dit dedertenme arth2t2n..h faarststob dee1rudtow ul,uefmeew
t3eslodest rdt?prarha 4tyeitdetv abthdeInfe h&t2e?arr2 ouerveoeel
edleslertf y,tiowiter butblydati runossvwy.. tylo..?illi shtvomatpu
aideedretm lyaray..Iyd ..k?hk..miea zedeankeua myartassr;) rdariccalo
Thursday, October 26, 2006
jus meant for u...
25 Oct,
etiflyttmu nie!goudac teIhtueaks Asmbinypea 2rvf,mrd;) we4lalrer..
,urtmeIl..I Rdanfrldlu motpomomvU Deimsowoes sternoyb;) arpon2n..tk
2b cont..
20 Oct, Fri
etymidteth tyisthwhu.. arnoisilho Msre:/stms ,Ihhlaespe pralIdniwi
yuloenicis nor..tredsu tsdeykay..: toiedeavk.. osco..har)// danzmyanIm
I, keamntda Icuu..uery’ alpaseessm Ond&0.s2d4 let1emteov Frwo30bito
wahaislybo sjppsemaok umindudein iengs..uial pies..qacg& ..IinImckl4
ncdalluurw ely..wop&ay mynerkrudo torkhepied woits..shwn catocackou
esreudotcb quetnthaut arikbumoro 2tthhad..e2 e..sIsevibb imefvcnowa
atdlngwadm 4.unupnaov 20choucaie ho..rmainha pmb4rmtcwi odnakid..gu
muophahoev chetppw..es ..shaiethol tuplwitaik imtuafetdo soyhlbdssw
owuy..usmnt eni’haeimi t2sprddend utoksegi..I lorelyas..0 ..s4lntredo
atmoogeaut temeetrcof rsnta..hiti Wasthaemin wasvvwngme tmhedtts&o
relkpeet4a 2sedtabumo gwhalitcvi swg,wasteb anlfngame.. uaway2reak
te7pks,sas drm,wiowon obbutmacas Iwodoloden bhtnetopan anatucayse
hoik,tgunt iceahodlhe e...niurauci otevtivsin unmahaghne acalonumgi
h..acovIsll ?ok,erudik ntIhfedeem mawawiunyf hearelnlis huybryg..ee
usnwk2ilum osanviyvti om2sststme sih..duluha ucena..il4a ngdubackvs
erhiouy,in atleriItgu chrangotwa diaswaavte erinheoftI nn..wspilll
gau2tmtent inbmomdugs ..Iygenalee wantttIhtl wafat..itms naedhaine..
omar..hakei indoadsa..u g..ubgrthrs wetiintsfo ustseaouta lclhmetenh
bealatsmtu taysslalou :pcaehont! Stredoveri Uare,eef;O edrefcnagh
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
I AM back....
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
stil thurs..cont...
19 oct, thurs
We&ducahhu i..olenk..iy Prorecmiin p/to..rchuo inhkkass;p s:utedemhh
stooticwrk huktvehein rshetothg.. Itn..itgmIm deinmser?0 wautiae2wo
rIfiwed..gf mandrehaun deoUsthaco Laalhaboav acttil..hok tel2turein
wahoonnisa spwydengfa isiedu?vmy indwresmns sengticowo g?itsporms
wa2ie..ooer spntrek4wa lahefumet.. rkngntdtma y,pesenoge ..upshsoctt
enmotwutat naviasud..k skepedegee eZmeakpmsa eduly9ilpw !d4a..i..bng
ngseewitti tonoithoon nimomeutIa anormoezsi teregehegr tielvi!wta
wauae..quth nttaVritem ednyeaeeov edmeetedly tooncharie !Ietim1Ub4
tingempifa ng4icDewil ..smp'sasur strcsinath eaosbarae.. arhiblnaer
aiie?Iewan wanjmiroyt lkoyslngim bagbitduys inedeawaes ibut..uthom
c2!A,Iorab pitotoesbe d..netot..du leismeait2 pamofrgorh h..ehntnfgr
,tuw..boure otatuttbaf IcIwItadra antethrn..u udantulyid dslleredwe
urdulyedet haiabathge nd..sd..ePeta keloioatst scerVwre;) epseuschig
moin..2kBle vimyaterhu ewcameesh? AffiulyIns enrpsapo00 tandaktaib
ubabmyfaet akonhestur sat3arerke Sely5aeaen fe.4tbwhys ntatn..tsug
rdisebextt oobt4uamed r..heco??Id foghstbaeg milameIrin ruttonk4re
lotuogtewa ng..Iiz..usn ersme4sa't hameapado, tis2abyNth vawioldait
dntothum4i asdoatigma keitnihtxm atenaiuske dmagtemaov baotn..ayit
h..usactlan Iwgak2easw aninbpveer iemeug..tan nab4eemeed leetobhaun
tiino?dano ongaRwtele ..Rgiehagh: qumeominn? wentarais// esetolgado
learn self def ;p
a short msg... :-)
hoyItqrdss wrgoriatuo uainsaeloh WeToutIm;p r?gor,ur:) I,dawihemi
Monday, October 23, 2006
19 Oct, thurs
snt..coofyb itAtmpthco ewleanetsI Wegrtue9e.. asasymimto d'eaac9%Ma
hakfstencr tIasilwaow cucolhlkde ldtwylt?gi dnsmurind0 utalegBena
ethedhhrhge atbeopanta thstwadsdo sttegiollk (atni)(thin)(stoh)(nvwa)(wneo) re,twuduto
!Bheosimht utcoo,ewye Idurplast.. pahaetthtr onagusn'00 thvtodetig
geavetetol dtsuawinaw ogmtitgfas Mautgtb4ra etinmelo00 naohogmenl
edmeshd,de anntarremo ot..Vedalme inudedugjo (herg)(talk)(,vla)(lyen)(nt!0) demo,vheye
nienagswen tedludhese waestinItt Theavhinth srs,megole atlyavsmom
..Uasededre toanwiinpl ldgrthgey0 doyepiosrs meynuctu00 wnnwssshms
shasngca's arlo2stche eunghahear Iwriilotth (rwor)(asuw)(re..g)(acho)(ttil) udeslitoer
haosdInemp tnedasdaic it?Ikeyiga 5asuhe,ino eIntduname mtppenfoly
IwmpaOerin asetlyinge thewmp(a10)ve datoanplju eritic0mn ty,cootaymp
strtwiec..I heownsosto onat?UInld nuetownoge (lyon)(ch..s)(said)(otso)(uwas) wahehotmng
akedIwnisr ..d"hinteea enah..bz"ll upepyeohat ura..odthyo ura..odthyo ulliahu..wa
T;,Imeogni )Zdoguette huhadmawz! Swiyudenul huvgomit//// EEintittar
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
a day off...
Monday, October 16, 2006
update update..
Saturday, October 14, 2006
my boy had got his yellow 1 :)
13 Oct, Fri

~the 2 white belt~

~zhuon n my fav personal kid, wei jie~

~its him again, he is oly 4yrs+.. heiyah!~

~small gal wan ru~

~free sparing~

~it is jus like another training.. ~

~heiiiiyak! small gal kristine oso can break plank lerh!~

~yellow belt doing their basic~

~from brown 2 to poom!~

~geoffrey, fav student in tkd ring~

~naughty boy's bro, him n me~

~my future fighters~
Thursday, October 12, 2006
demo, again... lalalalalala~

Wednesday, October 11, 2006
tkd demo for recruitment drive ;O
pp team gathering ;p

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
hols cont..
9 Oct, mon
Got myself back to IMU at 10am for a demo practice.. the recruitment drive will b on this wed&thurs.. wil b doing a demo with fellow frens for tkd club.. ther will b cheerleading performance from pharmaknight for dance club as well.. ;)
stil nid lotsa practices afta this, as this is oly our 1st rehearsal, plus vincent, kin thong didnt turn out today..eve really put in lotsa efforts in this demo, will try my best s well to make it a success! hope things turn out well on wed n thurs, if not sure very paiseh wan!! :O
*had lunch wit hy at a dimsum shop at sri petaling..wana try out the new curry house ther but condition don permit so..so jus had dimsum ;)
*fish got 3rd in drawing competition.. nowonder jus now ejie n me try searching for the art piece but it was gone missing.. congrats! :)
*ther might b a tkd demo in kbu nex wk.. still working on it..
*frens are ther in penang alredi.. tomolo they will go payar n den to langkawi.. hav a safe n great trip there!!
*hav got myself a job interview on this wed s well.. looking for flexible working days n high paid jobs.. wish me lucks!
Sunday, October 08, 2006
unlucky day...
* thks desmond for the pp training thruout the time...
* thks vincent for such a nice dinner/gathering/open hse :)
first day of holidays...
im back...
IM BACK for blogging afta a few days break.. had this last EOS paper on last fri, biopharm3!! it gave evyone a shock afta the test! 10times harder than wat v expect lerh... bside lacking of time to complete the questions, v were dealing with questions that are from sem5's syllabus.. wat the heck! -_-"
full of disappointment throughout this entire exam wk! pp exam - can pass gua.. dd exam - pass badly gua.. hp exam - hope can pass gua... biopharm exam - will pass badly larh!
worst exam wk i eva had so far... sleepless nites.. worrries.. all were bad.. anyhow, m soooooo glad that it was OVER!!!
AFTA EXAM, went one U wit frens.. all 16 of us.. heheh..another big gang were in midvalley.. v had lunch, movie n dinner togeta.. watched rob b hood, by jackie chan, louis koo, charlene.. was a great show for entertainment... thumbs up!! ;) hav had a surprised earlied celebration for bugger's 21st bd, which is on 10/10... he was singing along with us until he realised that the cake was actually for him.. hahahaha... hang out till ard 12 that nite.. happie 21st bd bugger!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
4 Oct
Had hp test jus now..didnt do well.. ques were tough! cudnt finish in time! oly answered 1/3 of the paper well..or slighly more..dam scad of failing..full of disappoitment! darn sad larrrr!! :'(
tomolo last paper, biopharm! ha.. pls dont give me anymore surprise!!
gud lucks guys.. :)
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
2 down.. 2 more to go!!!
3 Oct
had dd test just now.. aihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhzzz.. sigh!! :(
tough tough tough! arghhHhh!! it was the hardest paper v ever had in imu so far!!
its not over yet.. tomolo hp.. my worst nightmare eva!
i oly got half day left for hp..
not enuf time! darn!
gud lucks gud lucks!!!
beta pen off liao...
Monday, October 02, 2006
1st nightmare was over....
2 October
Had pp test about 2 hrs ago..man, it was scary!! v dont have enuf time to finish the paper.. one lucky thing was that the first calculation ques was a repeated ques from past year, phewww! dam glad that i noe how to do!!!
i dun dare to expect anything now.. thou the percentage for passing pp is higher, as errors alwiz exist, plus the marking is truely subjective based, all depends on mr. david chong alone, anything can happen! wish he is generous enuf to give us more marks!!
one paper down, 3more to go leh, tomolo is dd..gambateh guys!!!
* u look terribly sick today larh, sumore so ugly lerh.. rest well n a speedy recovery k.. ;)
Sunday, October 01, 2006
short notes..
a warm blessing to all my frens!! must do well in test starting from tomolo!
* to p105-iers tomolo pp first paper.. arghh! come on.. give it a burst man.. v all can do it!!! gud lucks!
* to p106-iers bioscience classtest huh.. gud lucks!
* to zhuon, gud lucks as well in ur trials.. afta thurs v are both FREE!!!
guys, ALL THE BEST!! score with flying colours... niteZ~