26 Jan
GOT to FORCE myself to get up for eng class though very duper tired ler... today was having a great eng class, as mr Chandran shares with us on offensive language... hmmm isnt that interesting to... errrr... he divided us into gp of 2 person, one being a pharmacise n; the other being one disabled patient, eg. blind, neck/lower body paralysis, mentally retarded... u know there are really some good actors in our class, including mr chandran himself!!!! :O
then hav malaysian study @audi... still the same lar, not listening to her at all... sienzzz... thks fioona for distributing the mandarins... thks samantha for giving woohoo nozes members small gift consisting of sweets.. i think my group is the only group that still keep in touch with OO constantly.. am i not rite???
during tutorial session, hs makes some unforgetfull moment to the all.. haha... "I KNOW, I KNOW!!!"
after tutorial, went the store @sri petaling.. the poor joanne tried to skip last lecture, but failed cos her car's alarm got problem... after changed a new battery for her remote, stil failed to stop her car's alarm..
came back to lecture at 4pm.. dr mario's lecture... many already go missing.. declare an early cny break for themselves?? this mario's lecture was damn damn damn damn boring ler.. mayb i cant concentrate or somewhat... when the time passes 5, evyone seems to changed, all get ready to go back liao.... wishes each happy holiday n happie cny b4 going back to home... it was really tired of having lecture from 8.30 - 5pm!!!!