I remember i said 'I HATE TPN' in my blog a couples of weeks ago.
I take back my words. I dont hate TPN. I just dont wish to get TPN on call during the weekend. I got once this month and 2 times in June. It is just not fair to work during the weekend with :
i) EXACTLY the same workloads
ii) Less people working
iii) Less working hours (8am - 3pm only)
There are times where prp get to go home before 3pm (once in a blue moon?) and most of the time, people work until 5pm - 6pm. (but isnt stated to work from 8am - 3pm?)
Nah. Forget about it.
So, lets go back to the title.
Im good at TPN. I finished TPN at 3.10pm today! 7 cases - 3 adult, one paed bag and 3 paed syringes. For the first time, i feel so comfortable working in the sterile room because i have all the space. I was able to take EVERYTHING and left them on the Lamina Flow to ease my job. Instead of compounding one by one, i did it two by two. Kak silva finished the 3 adult bags and i finished the rest. I know im not very great and i can tell you im good at TPN. lolz.

Tpn in General Hospital Kuching - itu sue choo>! hehe
anyone has HSA punya? please share. TQ.
I remember i said 'I HATE TPN' in my blog a couples of weeks ago.
I take back my words. I dont hate TPN. I just dont wish to get TPN on call during the weekend. I got once this month and 2 times in June. It is just not fair to work during the weekend with :
i) EXACTLY the same workloads
ii) Less people working
iii) Less working hours (8am - 3pm only)
There are times where prp get to go home before 3pm (once in a blue moon?) and most of the time, people work until 5pm - 6pm. (but isnt stated to work from 8am - 3pm?)
Nah. Forget about it.
So, lets go back to the title.
Im good at TPN. I finished TPN at 3.10pm today! 7 cases - 3 adult, one paed bag and 3 paed syringes. For the first time, i feel so comfortable working in the sterile room because i have all the space. I was able to take EVERYTHING and left them on the Lamina Flow to ease my job. Instead of compounding one by one, i did it two by two. Kak silva finished the 3 adult bags and i finished the rest. I know im not very great and i can tell you im good at TPN. lolz.
Tpn in General Hospital Kuching - itu sue choo>! hehe
anyone has HSA punya? please share. TQ.