If you want to look for a part time job in glasgow, there are a few choices.
1) Flexible part time job
2) Permanent part time job
Here are a few part time agencies that you should go to :
Contact no: 01412263031
Blue arrow will be the main part time agency that most of you will be interested to go to. Its located on the first floor at 135 buchanan street, directly opposite Orange. Ring the bell and tell them you want to register for part time job. P/S : Bring your cv with you and tell them you have experiences with food/catering.
Advantages : Flexible. Tell them your availability and you will easily get a job from them, especially during the weekend. I have got both extremely good job (morgan stanley) and extremely tough job (hamilton) from them.
Disadvantages : Everything is in random mode (ALL RANDOM). No fixed working place. Sometimes you need to travel for 45 mins (to get to AYR) or 30 mins (to get to Hamilton). No fixed working time (as short as 4 hours up 15 hours max in a day). Some travel expenses are not claimable. (i pay 30 pounds for transport weekly)
p/s : i have worked 26 hours in a day before and that was not the most. I lost to someone else who worked 28 hours on the same day. lolz.
2) City G8
Location: 69 Buchanan St
Entrance sign: Regus
contact no :01413143754
City Gate will be the second choice of flexible part time agency to register. Its part time jobs related to catering as well. They have alot of jobs in SECC/glasgow city hall (reachable by tube in 10mins time/walking distance). They also offer jobs during the weekend for Ayr/Hamilton horse races.
Advantages : very relaxing 4-5 hours job in SECC in the evening. You might be interested to catch one/two/more during your sem7.
Disadvantages : For every 4 hours that you worked, 15 mins will be deducted for no reason! they are very famous of "tipu-ing" at least 15 mins for each job that you have done for them. But dont worry, you can try to claim that if you want.
p/s : I only worked for City G8 once. I worked 4 hours but they paid me 3 hours and 45 mins. -_-"
As for permanent part time job :
You can try your luck ANYWHERE opening for vacancy, such as subway, burger king, mcD, topshop, newlook, sportsdirect, JJB, debenhams and so on. Many places are looking for people in october onwards as they need alot of part time workers for christmas sales beginning in nov/dec.
1) Flexible part time job
2) Permanent part time job
Here are a few part time agencies that you should go to :

Contact no: 01412263031
Blue arrow will be the main part time agency that most of you will be interested to go to. Its located on the first floor at 135 buchanan street, directly opposite Orange. Ring the bell and tell them you want to register for part time job. P/S : Bring your cv with you and tell them you have experiences with food/catering.
Advantages : Flexible. Tell them your availability and you will easily get a job from them, especially during the weekend. I have got both extremely good job (morgan stanley) and extremely tough job (hamilton) from them.
Disadvantages : Everything is in random mode (ALL RANDOM). No fixed working place. Sometimes you need to travel for 45 mins (to get to AYR) or 30 mins (to get to Hamilton). No fixed working time (as short as 4 hours up 15 hours max in a day). Some travel expenses are not claimable. (i pay 30 pounds for transport weekly)
p/s : i have worked 26 hours in a day before and that was not the most. I lost to someone else who worked 28 hours on the same day. lolz.
2) City G8
Location: 69 Buchanan St
Entrance sign: Regus
contact no :01413143754
City Gate will be the second choice of flexible part time agency to register. Its part time jobs related to catering as well. They have alot of jobs in SECC/glasgow city hall (reachable by tube in 10mins time/walking distance). They also offer jobs during the weekend for Ayr/Hamilton horse races.
Advantages : very relaxing 4-5 hours job in SECC in the evening. You might be interested to catch one/two/more during your sem7.
Disadvantages : For every 4 hours that you worked, 15 mins will be deducted for no reason! they are very famous of "tipu-ing" at least 15 mins for each job that you have done for them. But dont worry, you can try to claim that if you want.
p/s : I only worked for City G8 once. I worked 4 hours but they paid me 3 hours and 45 mins. -_-"
As for permanent part time job :
You can try your luck ANYWHERE opening for vacancy, such as subway, burger king, mcD, topshop, newlook, sportsdirect, JJB, debenhams and so on. Many places are looking for people in october onwards as they need alot of part time workers for christmas sales beginning in nov/dec.
Good luck and be sure to share with me your stories okay? :)
haha, so now you are the big boss there to introduce jobs for your juniors.. how bout bekeley scott?? haha.. :P
haha. i must credit zhiyong you for most of the info actually :)
nolarh, even premiership also i ignored since u guys told me not to go. none of my friends got into berkeley scott, i still rmb they rejected 2 frieds and i because we have no experiences in bar. haha.
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I think the reason they deducted 15 mins off you every 4 hours is because that's breaktime - although some people who hire temp workers are sly and don't give you due breaks.
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