27 Nov, Mon
woooowwww... yeahhhhhhh!!! oooohh laaa laaaaaa... huuray!!!
congrats to all p105iers who did resit!!!
congrats to buddy kim n darren n desmond! ;)
Monday, November 27, 2006
yeahhhhhh! :) all passed sem5!
Friday, November 24, 2006
long waiting....
24 Nov, Fri
Skipped lectures today.. heh, its only the 3rd day of sem5 lerh.. went for tkd demo at kbu instead.. had a successful one..was sumting diff, v had basics, target kicking, self def n planks kicking.. kevin had the recruitment booth setted up since mon n managed to get about 15ppl to sign up.. great news huh? hope the demo does grab more attention! ;p
fri ending soon dy in another 10mins..m jus waiting d whole nite patiencely..................................Zzzzz...... ;)
some thoughts...
thay2nbbra e4dyoeacny th..gtaktso Itastiwiit &lettuonon istdnglleo
abe..isIcel igI'siudfi remrngstns erefllwifm lieau..ufid is2mymshys
madbh/deIN ilewKLargK soit/b,k.... eatI..IdeSM tau2p..ip;) necupoaril
Thursday, November 23, 2006
back to reality... STUDY lorh...
21 Nov, Tues
Had a last outing with frens on tues... 9 of us went cheung k at favourite k-place, pyramid... v sang from 1-5pm plus.. den watched deatch note... it was a good show.. i tot it cud be a movie with unexplainable scenes jus like another horror jap movie.. but i was wrong.. it was sumting much beta.. too bad it was from a manga series, so it has no ending for the movie, make me so wanted to watch the 2nd episode lerh...
afta movie, meet up with jian n qris, 2 big bosses n v had dinner at OUG... qris wasnt fine n kips vomitting, and the worst thing was that she hasnt eaten anything yet... poor qris.... jian even bought her 'wah muay', but seems no help...
got to noe that she was admitted to Sunway medical centre the late nite from hsheong...
22 Nov, wed
Had my first day of sem5 today.. ha... glad to see evyone back again! most big diff were that some with new hair cuts dy, some of da gals make curly or straighten their hair..heh.. ;p
afta lecture, went to visit qris with a whole bunch of frens... she was doing fine dy... she discharged from the hospital on the same day.. QRISTINE LIEW, NO MORE SPICY FOOD, NO MORE SOUR FOOD...... U BETA DONT MAKE US WORRY AGAIN K!!!!! @_@
23 Nov, thurs
2nd day of sem5 started with an eng class at 8.30am.. arrrgh! again, yet again, i was selected for eng class.. 'lucky' to say tat i hav to suffer the same tiredness while driving to uni, same concentration-loss during lecture afta eng class, arrrrghh.. dam sick to think of the same thing again n again each thurs!!!! but nvm larhhh.............
2nd day of lecture ended with prof ong kok hai's teaching.. he is good n funny at times.. at least i do pay attention to him.. 80% of the time.. haha...
tats all larh.... tata ;)
cant wait for fri, i hav sooo much to say .....................................................!!!!!!!!!!!! ;) ;) ;)
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
weekend - grandpa 78th bd + working...
18th Nov, Sat
Got to know that qris was sick n admitted to host kajang for a day dy... she had high fever.. visited qris with darren n hsheong in the noon... many were ther too.. at least got 15ppl there.. v brought her oranges, potatoes CHIPS n some sweets... n she actually could get down the bed, walk n jump ard normally dy.. glad about that.. had a long chat with them.. the rest actually went out for SATAY at nite.. the doc APPOVED qris to go out n hav satay, she will be discharged from hospital on sun's noon..
At nite, had dinner for grandpa's 78th bd.. i tot it is his 79th bd, cos last yr i made a photo for grandpa on 78th bd dy.. but it was a mistake last year -_-" anyway, wish my grandpa alwiz strong and stay healthy + happie + long live, cheung meng bak shui ;)

19th Nov, Sun
Worked for Ian for one whole day to earn myself another 100bucks.. this time hav got my bro to work with me, togeta with ah sun n jia nin.. v worked as time keepers for this GRA(Grass Racing Autosport) racing competition in the an open carpark in shah alam.. Ian n jia nin treated us really nice, was glad to work wit them... ;)
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
work work WORK.......
6Nov - 12 Nov
I hav been so busy working last week that my free time at home was jus merely to sleep only...
Worked for unisys for the last time on last mon, den decided not to work there anymore afta getting better offer from evelyn..
Worked as CAR set up crew on tues and wed.. a true new experience..only 3 of us, kai meng, eve n me... working hard to set up for the trial run n showcase room on the first day n working as marshals for the test run the 2nd day.. get to work togeta with ur frens, chatting while working, free time, free lunch, free transport, high paid, nice employer.... v did put in efforts to make the showcase of ABC car a success.. one bad thing was that v nid to work under the hot sun.. so as a result = a burned chick or roasted pig skin were wat v got!!
rested on thurs...
then fri, sat n sun worked as organisation crew for ANOTA BRAND OF CAR... the same old setting n marshals job..except nid to wipe car in the morning and get to drive XX n YY cars back n forth from carwash place to off road track... its easy.. its fun... and its tiring... wake up at 5am and got home at 9pm for dinner.. its an easy job for u to hop on for some quick $$ :)
too bad auntie said no more car projects this year dy..........
* thks evelyn for getting me into it.. really hav lots of fun working togeta with eve n kai meng... :)
* i wana rest... i wana enjoy my last bit of hols well............ ;P
* due to private n confidential mafan-ess, i hav got to replace the name of organiser with XX , yy n so on.... thks to eve larh....!
Monday, November 06, 2006
gud lucks....
6 Nov, Mon
TODAY marked the beginning of zhuon's final exams... wish him all the best till nex wed...
gud luckssssssss...... :)
Sunday, November 05, 2006
1st mapcu tkd......
5th Nov, sun
MAPCU TKD was the last event for mapcu(malaysian association of all colleges n universities) sports carnival.. it held at apiit smart school in subang jaya... did bring u guys some gud news.. did bring charmine some gud news geh..
overall, it was jus a small competition..instead of all togeta, participants were divided to black belts seniors, seniors n juniors categories... this is to encourage juniors participants to take part mah.. KBU, zhuon's school had got a total of 3 fighters.. dey brought back 2 golds n a silver.. weiii.. not bad wei...
while imu, oly with 2 players.. me n jack oly... got a beta results..jack won bronze in poomsae n silver in fitness.. while the lucky me won gold in sparring, silver in poomsae n gold in fitness.. hehe.. ;)
my last fight was a close match.. i won 6-5 over ahmad hariz, an old fren of mine.. while zhuon won wei jin 4-1 in the final...heheh.. gud fight bro! ;)
while in beep test, de imu runners had conquered the top... wahhahaha... zhuon did level 11, wei jin came up 3rd with lvl 11-11, jack 2nd with lvl12.. while i broke my own records... won with lvl 12-3.. how can i run beta today?with injuries n tiredness that i got afta all the fights? perhaps was the competitors' spirit n some inner strength that motivates me to finish up by top...? :)
yeah yeah.. i hitted the 20th medal of the year dy.. :)

~with KBU family...~

~kbu family with the medals....~

~imu family.. minus zhuon....~

~overall champ trophy, won by apiit....~

~its me k...lol~

~me, coach, zhuon~
YEST marked another meaningful history.. which was the official formation of PJTC(Petaling Jaya Taekwondo Club)... v are no longer affliated to others, but to MTF alone.. v hav got our independent.. blurrrrrrrrr lerh??? forget bout it bah...! ;p

~sista n brothas practicing yoga :P ~

~sista n brothas act cool ,while cousy smiling nia...~

~the family of pjtc...~
AM DYING WITH TIREDDDDDDNESSSSS NOW... gona Zzzzzzzzzzz... gd nitessssssss k :p
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
jus a thought... 'beep test!'
It is a test to test the physical, endurance of a player, used in the selection of national squad, regardless of any sport... okay it is like this, u hav to run to the opposite end, 20m long, in a given time limit.. of cos u started with a very slow speed, den slowly run faster n faster as the given time is shortened.. u started with level 1-1, den follow by1-2, 1-3 n so on with the same time interval till level 1-10, den start with level 2-1..... till level 20.. understands bor?? @@
the minimun for a national player to pass was level 10 for guys n level 8 for gals..
i tested on mon n today.. mon hitted level 10-4.. n today was level 10-5.. my limit was ther dy.. aiiiihz aiihzzzzzz... my record was level 11-3 LAST TIME... now arrr... aihhz aiiiihzzzzzzzz...
hope to perform well in this weekeend's mapcu tkd... wei jin same weight with me.. aihhz aiihzz.. gold medal flying away dyyyy.. aiiiihzzzzzzzzz...
today not working dy... waiting for jobsssss... lol.....
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