5th Nov, sun
MAPCU TKD was the last event for mapcu(malaysian association of all colleges n universities) sports carnival.. it held at apiit smart school in subang jaya... did bring u guys some gud news.. did bring charmine some gud news geh..
overall, it was jus a small competition..instead of all togeta, participants were divided to black belts seniors, seniors n juniors categories... this is to encourage juniors participants to take part mah.. KBU, zhuon's school had got a total of 3 fighters.. dey brought back 2 golds n a silver.. weiii.. not bad wei...
while imu, oly with 2 players.. me n jack oly... got a beta results..jack won bronze in poomsae n silver in fitness.. while the lucky me won gold in sparring, silver in poomsae n gold in fitness.. hehe.. ;)
my last fight was a close match.. i won 6-5 over ahmad hariz, an old fren of mine.. while zhuon won wei jin 4-1 in the final...heheh.. gud fight bro! ;)
while in beep test, de imu runners had conquered the top... wahhahaha... zhuon did level 11, wei jin came up 3rd with lvl 11-11, jack 2nd with lvl12.. while i broke my own records... won with lvl 12-3.. how can i run beta today?with injuries n tiredness that i got afta all the fights? perhaps was the competitors' spirit n some inner strength that motivates me to finish up by top...? :)
yeah yeah.. i hitted the 20th medal of the year dy.. :)

~with KBU family...~

~kbu family with the medals....~

~imu family.. minus zhuon....~

~overall champ trophy, won by apiit....~

~its me k...lol~

~me, coach, zhuon~
YEST marked another meaningful history.. which was the official formation of PJTC(Petaling Jaya Taekwondo Club)... v are no longer affliated to others, but to MTF alone.. v hav got our independent.. blurrrrrrrrr lerh??? forget bout it bah...! ;p

~sista n brothas practicing yoga :P ~

~sista n brothas act cool ,while cousy smiling nia...~

~the family of pjtc...~
AM DYING WITH TIREDDDDDDNESSSSS NOW... gona Zzzzzzzzzzz... gd nitessssssss k :p
1 comment:
Congrats bro! u're always the man in sports!!
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