more pics on broga...
Monday, June 26, 2006
Sunday, June 25, 2006
IMU 1st closed beach volleyball comp~
24th June
Hav had a fullfilled day.. took part in da 1st beach vb competition organised by da vb club.. it was held at the family park @ bukit jalil.. my team consists of jian, qirs, wmeng, chan see, khang wern n me, named as vb, as usual ;p lost 2 games, n got to win one game, ended up as 5th position... perhaps berry disappointed... v knoe v could hav done beta!! received a small hamper as consolation prize.. did enjoy da game very much.. thks so much, my lovely team mates.. ; )
congrats to all da 3 teams.. it was proud that the champion team consists of 2 pharm juniors, vincent n TRUE pei ling.. looking fwd for a tough game during da coming IMU cup, finals btwn pharm n sem5.. ;)

~ the 2nd runner up - the moonlight! ~

~ the 1st runner up - the sunshine ~
~ da champion goes to... - the losers!(wat a gp name?haha congrats! ;)~
p105 striking day! ;p

~ v are jus too crazy about football nowadays.... ~
TODAY is coded as p105 codec stripe-day! evy1 is required to wear a stripe like clothing.. 6 best dress nominees are up... the final 4 receive a small mistery gift....... hav a last lecture from dr simon mckey... till then see him again when v get to stratchlyde..

~ da 6 best nominees... ~
~ group pic, bye dr simon mckey.. ~
~ anohter one, free style this time~
congrats to de 4 'winners' - hee sheong, pavi, yi jing, phuay fhern

Thursday, June 22, 2006
surprise bd's eve for talll marshian, jian!
19 jun
Again, its time to get up when my alarm sounded at 8am… having da same lazyness when I supposed to get up evy morning for classes…
Hav a lecture on biopharm and an intro class of pp by david chong… da intro class was Zzzzzzz…. He speaks like pausing btwn evy 3words like eJ said… Cant stand da way he lectures sumtime =_=’
Afta class, hav lunch with buddies at OUG, den everyone PRETEND to go home or cont for lab session for gp D ppl..
Accompany qris to sg wang to grab jian’s bd present, a gundam model n a Portugal jersey.. later got to ‘date’ jian out for dinner as I tipu him that I kena ffk for sport so I stayed up till dinner time… v went ‘feng tai’ restaurant at sri petaling for dinner, da rest are all there edy, and da funny part was that da restaurant aunty actually BROKE our little surprise to jian when jian wants to take order for food.. da same big gang of us, celebrate an early bd for jian’s 22nd bd~!
Happie 22nd' burday brotha~! ;)
pj half marathon 06'... da eve of turning a town to a city!
18 june
@_____@ got up at 5.30am.. dad woke me up!! Dunno why my alarm not working this morning lerrr.. going for annual pj half marathon with family n frens..
afta registration, warming up, n da run flagged off at 6.30am for 21km, while 10km flagged off at 6.40am… bunggggg! Dashes off with kok hoo for 10k, and loses him not long later.. d whole journey was running alone ;/ errrmmm… was terrible to complete 10km without stopping, hav to keep da strong will all time of completing it as fast as possible.. ended up with position 27th.. out of 900+ participants in my category..keke did improve compare to last 2 yrs.. mayb bcos of world cup, so many runners didn’t turn out mah.. haha!
met aaron n kevin too.. aaron grabbed 36th... well done! where are da rest of my imu mates???? alll ffk lerrrrrrrrr!!! cissssssss!
Was exhausted afta da run… phuuu phhuuuu damn tired.. my calf and body aching like hell.. afta lunch, nap from 2-9.30pm, where dad woke me up anotha time, this time is for dinner…
* dare U to take da challenge of running 10km with me nex time ler ;p
Idling for sumtime n got back to Zz at 2+.. my first wk of sem4 ended, without any revision, lotsa parties, afta all, peacefully ;)
~ kok hoo + me @ 6.20am @ stadium kelana jaya! ~
~ da runners, me + kok hoo + benny + andy~
~ family n frens gathered for a run! ~
~ da exhasuted ME! ~
~ dad, happie fathers' day! ~
hattrick for bd party....
17 june
Got up real late today, as it’s a Saturday, without skooling.. yippee! Last nite I overnite at vista again, as today nid to attend qris' bd party at her hse mah… keke ;)
At 6pm, 6 cars headed toward to da long river(sg. long), wher qris stayed.. v hav fatman ‘luk luk’ as our dinner… da food were nice, really full afta 3rds, 4rds of eating..
got home at 12plus n its time to get to bed as fast as possible….. Zzzzzz!
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
da bd celebration continues....
16 june
8.40am, my hp’s alarm sounded… evybody were still PIG-ing! Aiksssss… got da lazy ass up n rushed to lecture at 9.15… afta class at 12, helped vyeaw to collect his anniversary present to kah yee.. happie pak toh anniversary~! ;p u owe me one favor buddy!!!!!
Later 5 of us, jian,wmeng, hsheong, kim n me headed to klang for yin mei’s 21st bd celebration at mun xiang lou.. Surprisingly, v were da FIRST to arrive, being silly enuf, v took our slow time to DECORATE card for yin mei, instead of getting into the restaurant at 7pm… afta wasting enuf time, v headed into the restaurant with uncertainty.. had very nice buffet style dinner there…
Happie 21st burday yin mei!!! ;)
~ adam & wife ~
~special request for hsheong n wm~
~not to miss da fun of fooling... ~
qris 21st bd~
15 june
Attended classes as usual, no mood to stay focus in class ler… @@
Afta class, da same gang, vb + mei qi gathered at mid valley for celebration with qristine!
Failed to catch the premium of Fast n furious : Tokyo driff, sry qris! Oly had dinner ther..
Afta dinner, got back to vista n da fun continues… fooled qris n jian of searching notes ard at pool area while v gathered at jian’s unit with akmal’s assistant… kekeke… afta a long searching without any finding, they are ‘invited’ to come back home with so called punishments.. qris was blind folded n required to do certain tasks for her bd…
As usual, its tradition to kena cream cake for 21st bird day!
Happie 21st burday qris!! ;)
~ first stage, candy in salt.... ~
~ 2nd stage, passing da peanuts... ~
~ third stage, licking tomato sauce... ~~ v are celebrating for our v.gud fren's bd! ~
' wat v gonna do now???? '
Afta that, went to student lounge for world cup match btwn England n Trinidad & tongo… trinadad played well in defending n counter attack.. england’s star players frank lampart n peter crouch missed so many kick on target on;( but overall England played well n managed to score 2-0 in da end…
got back to vista late night.... Zzzz~