What is webhosting and how much do you actually know about webhosting? Do you want to own a personal webpage that can be accessible by everyone around the world? Webhosting is a type of internet service that enables individual or organizations to host their own webpage accesible by the World Wide Web. A web host is responsible to provide a hosting server, data storage space and connectivity to his clients. One important criteria to take note is the hosting reliability and uptime. Hosting uptime demonstrate the probability of the webpage getting accesible. Many good webhosting service claimed that they provide 99.9% server uptime.
If you are interested in webhosting, you should visit webhosting blog. The website provide tons of information on webhosting news, trens, discussion and many more. One particular topic that catched my attention was about Domain name. A domain name is your website name. It should be easy to remember and leave a deep impression on prospective clients. Whenever someone visits the website, one will remember the contents for a long time. Thus, one can easily track his way by to your website by simply google it. Think about why eBay is named eBay, Amazon is named Amazon and Facebook is named Facebook. Domain names can be purchased from many webhosting server and they have prices ranged from $10 to as high as $1000 or more.
If you are interested in webhosting, you should visit webhosting blog. The website provide tons of information on webhosting news, trens, discussion and many more. One particular topic that catched my attention was about Domain name. A domain name is your website name. It should be easy to remember and leave a deep impression on prospective clients. Whenever someone visits the website, one will remember the contents for a long time. Thus, one can easily track his way by to your website by simply google it. Think about why eBay is named eBay, Amazon is named Amazon and Facebook is named Facebook. Domain names can be purchased from many webhosting server and they have prices ranged from $10 to as high as $1000 or more.
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