26 Sep
V had ping pong final against sem4 tonite! n i was glad to say that evy1 did a great job today.. v managed to win the first three rounds, without much efforts.. desmond take the first point by an easy win in mens' single... hui bee played a very streanous game, she lost in first 2 sets, then managed to catch up and made it a turnover to win the game by 3-2 in womens' single! then choon wei n me have another easy game on mens' doubles.. a straight game of 3-0. and ther we goes, PP CHAMPION IN IMU CUP!!!!! pharmacy pp team roxsssss!
TO last year team mates : yinting, samuel, fionna, jocelyn, adam : V MADE IT THIS TIME.... !! CHAMPION!! woohhooo! :)
* special thks to pp team mates : Desmond, choon wei, kok liang, paik ling, hung jen, hui bee, chai rong, win win, stephanie!

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