Friday, January 30, 2009
ADV - cornwall attractions
Monday, January 26, 2009
Happy Chinese Niu Year!
If you have noticed, google search page has an Ox and a 'fook' (prosperity) word there.

FOOD, ALCOHOLS, FAMILY and GAMBLE are the 4 main things to symbolise Chinese New Yeaw.
Last night's Reunion Dinner
Fatt, Fatt, Fatt, Fatt!
May the Ox year bring you and your family abundance of luck, happiness, wealth, health and love!
Best wishes from
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Pre CNY mood
Wa mm Zhai lerh.
I wish everyone have a safe journey back to home/back to your kampung/back from trips.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Download TVB dramas' songs
You can get to download most of the famous TVB dramas' theme song/sub songs below :
忘记伤害 (律新政人王) By:林峰
天數 (天機算) By:馬浚偉&陳山聰
只得一次 (同事三分親) By:關淑怡
迈向梦想的天空 (学警出更) By:吳卓羲、吳浩康、關智斌
爱在记忆中找你 (歲月風雲) By:林峰
浮生若水 (太極) By:林峰
新不了情 By:張靚穎
希望(新不了情) By:薜凯琪
直覺 (甜言蜜語) By:鄭欣宜
好學為福 (尖子攻略) By:歐陽震華, HotCha, 戴夢夢,范萱蔚
無心害你 (溏心風暴之家好月圓) By:關菊英
爱不疚 (溏心風暴之家好月圓) By:林峰
Talk To Me (溏心風暴之家好月圓) By:-
風暴 (少年四大名捕) By:林峯,吳卓羲,馬國明,陳鍵鋒
發誓 (搜神傳) By:鍾嘉欣
爱在天邊 (東山飄雨西關晴) By:汪明荃
陪你哭也只得我 (東山飄雨西關晴) By:马德钟&佘詩曼
Eine Kleine Nacht [Music](畢打自己人) By:Mozart
鑽禧 (珠光寶氣) By:關淑怡
请讲 (天幕下的恋人) By: 郑嘉颖、周丽淇
爱平凡 (飞短流长父子兵) By: 郑嘉颖
逐格重播 (樓住有情人) By: 陳敏之
沒了沒完 (兩妻時代) By: 鄧健泓、梁靖琪、湯盈盈
心计 (酒店风云) By: 李克勤
先賭為快 (賭場風雲) By: 李克勤
第幾天 (賭場風雲) By: 黃宗澤
讲不出声 (溏心風暴) By: 關菊英
心領 (溏心風暴) By: 林峯、鍾嘉欣
歲月風雲 By: 李克勤、小剛
深情 (建築有情天) By: 呂方
親近 (爸爸閉翳) By: 陳奕迅
I'm So In Love With You (舞動全城) By: 廖碧兒
赐我一死 (通天干探) By: 陈豪
再見 (野蠻奶奶大戰戈師奶) By: 汪明荃、農夫
感激遇到你 (野蠻奶奶大戰戈師奶) By: 胡杏兒&黄宗泽
选择我 (律政新人王II) By: 馬國明
豺狼与羊 (秀才愛上兵) By: 馬浚偉、鄭希怡
最美丽的第七天 By: 鄭嘉穎
抱着空氣 (最美丽的第七天) By: 鄭嘉穎、周麗淇
花样奇案 (古靈精探) By: 郭晉安
不可不爱 (和味濃情) By: 孫耀威
小故事 (金石良緣) By: 鍾嘉欣、馬浚偉
爱情游戲 (疑情別戀) By: 吳雨霏
十優生 (師奶股神) By: 謝安琪
原來爱上賊 [Music]
認命 (銀樓金粉) By: 王菀之
遺留 (法證先鋒II) By: 梁漢文
等你 (法證先鋒II) By: 佘詩曼
當狗爱上貓 By: 羅嘉良、胡杏兒
無情有爱 (珠光寶氣) By: 鍾嘉欣
無人完美 (畢打自己人) By: 鄭欣宜
Farewell to Kevin

The one smartly dressed in whilte long sleeve is Kevin. That night, i met 3 of my primary school friends (Yi Han, Ken Ling and Vincent) which happened to know Kevin too. This definitely prove the saying 'The world is so small'.
He is now in Iowa state of USA, complaining of the freezing cold temperature over there. Thank you for the meal and we wish you all the best there in Iowa.
ADV - jewerly caring
ADV - various products
Friday, January 16, 2009
PJTC Taekwondo Party Night 2009
The party was welcomed with Charlotte posing with peace.
It was meant to be a party night, so students were asked to go wild and be sporting during the whole party. The aim was to live with a night with MINIMAL DISCIPLINE during taekwondo class.
Zhen Yang with a big smile.
We have Ethan on the left, Kenneth in the middle and Estelle on the right
Let me introduce to you our SUPER naughty girl - Zhen Ning.
The blur king who claims that he likes fencing - Nicholas
One potential taekwondo representative of Malaysia (in another 10 years time) - Wei Han
A potential leader in the future - Arnold
This party was better and bigger than the one we had in year 2005. One good thing to notice is that the number of students have been increasing from year to year.
Party Night Year Dec 2005
Party Night Year Jan 2009
Be sure to click the pictures to enlarge them in order to view them clearly. Original pictures can be downloaded from
Random style
A big group combined of students and all parents
During the party night, students were also divided into 4 groups to play games. All the 4 games planned turned out very well.
We (the seniors) were trying our best to brief the students
And the students were listen carefully.
(The only time for students to stay disciplined during the night)
The first game was started with relay run with weight of 2.5Kg.
Zhen Ning was getting ready to dash off.
We can see that Lim was dashing with his greatest speed.
The second game gave more excitements to the students. It was a duck walk relay race. Students were required to walk like a duck and quack like a duck.
Next, the third game was solely depends on LUCK. It was a catwalk relay race. Students were asked to do catwalk and to play 'scissors, paper, stone' with one senior at another end.
At times, they were asked to compete in cheering in order to get them some bonus points. It made me feel like going back to Orientation time in IMU. My batchmates, you must agree with me that our orientation was so damn fun, right?
Parents were having a good time chatting and laughing while watching their kids playing games.
The last game required alot of skills and teamwork. Each team was ordered to pass as many rubber bands as possible in order to tie the hair for the queen. It was a really interesting game. It was copied from Super Trio Supreme show.
Zhuon n I demonstrating the right way to pass the rubber band
Yun Ken and Charlotte in action!
Uncle Eric and Wei Han.
Jia Tong
Christine - One of the queen's hair was tied this way.
At the end of the day, 'Bak Zhan Gai' group won and each received a small gift.
I have no idea what was i doing at that time. You take the guess.
After the game, it was supper time. All the food were sponsored by Petaling Jaya Taekwondo Club (PJTC).
There were curry chicken, fried mee hun, sotong balls, nuggets, french fries, fish balls, hotdogs and salads.
Students chatting and playing happily.
Sir was giving speech during the party.
Ti3n, Zhuon, Benny and Kent.
We were dancing before the end of the party.
My family and I. Dont play play arh.
A bigger family picture - with uncle Billy and cousins.
And a final one with all the family members present that night.
Thank you Benny for all the pictures.
Thank you to all students and parents for coming to the party and making it a big success. We will have another one next year for 10th anniversary of Ding Martial Gymnasium & Ding Taekwondo Academy.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Preview of Petaling Jaya Taekwondo Club 9 Years Anniversary
Click to enlarge...
One of the group picture taken during the Taekwondo Party last saturday.
~Happy 9 years Anniversary! ~
Monday, January 12, 2009
My family support NEW BALANCE very much compared to Nike, Reebox or Addidas.
6 out of 7 of my family members are wearing NEW BALANCE sport shoes.
4 out 6 pairs of sports shoes shown above are NEW BALANCE brand.
I was wearing my old Reebox shoes during the recent running events.
And my bro was wearing his sponsored shoes - Line 7.
Then i spotted another 2 pairs of New Balance shoes owned by two cousins.
Coincidentally, i bought myself a new pair of sport shoes just before i came back from glasgow.
Tadaeng - Welcome to join the New Balance team.
Random fact No. 2
My mum is a very good cook. She can cook very 'jeng' bak kut teh.
She didnt just cook for 4 persons, but she cooked for 16 persons in the house.
Besides that, the 'yau char kuey' she made was delicious too.
I wish i had learnt from her the recipe to make yau char kuey earlier on.
Random fact No. 3
To cook steamed toufu, my mum suggested to put 2 eggs plus 2 bowl of water for a perfect bowl of steamed toufu. Sam suggested to put the amount of water according to amount of eggs, i.e. if we use 2 eggs, then we use the 2 empty shells of the eggs to measure water, the result was not that good. Where as my housemates and i will go 'all random' when we were at glasgow.
To my housemates : Last time we didnt put enough water that is why the texture was so weird!
Random fact No. 4
It was quite interesting to exchange gift with family members during Christmas.
X'mas gift exchange with family members have earned myself a famous amous cup with some cookies.
Random fact No. 5
In Dota, many said that AR = ALL RUN rather than all random because many will choose to leave game when they have randomed some heroes that they dont want. CELAKA betul!