
Thursday, August 14, 2008

Cooking fish for the first time

Remember the post where i ask you guys to guess what was i doing last sunday?

Picture 1 :

Picture 2 :

Picture 3 :

Uncle lim got it right - i was preparing and steaming a fish.

The answer :

This fish was bought in a shop next to the dimsum shop in Chinatown. 2.50 pounds was really a good deal!

Being one who loves catching fish/fishing so-damn-much, i must have known some knowledge regarding the proper ways of disecting a fish and then to make it a dish for dinner. Well, there are actually alot of things that you need to know about cooking fish - eg. Smell, Look, tips. Get them at how to cook fish here.

  • Smell it!
    Fresh fish should smell sweet: you should feel that you're standing at the ocean's edge. Any fishy or strong flavors means the fish is past its prime; do not buy it.
  • Look at it!
    Whole fish should look as they were just pulled from the water; bright eyes and firm flesh are signs of freshness.
  • Freeze it!
    Fresh fish should be stored in your refrigerator for only a day or two; it's very perishable. Any longer than that, and wrap the fish well in freezer paper and freeze it.

Okay, lets go back to "How to cook the fish" -

1) Firstly, i removed the scales with a knife.

2) Then, cut it open right in the middle. This was the second picture that i showed initially.

3) This was the first picture that i showed you guys! Guess what was i doing again?

4) Now you have came to the cleaning part. Learn "how to clean a fish" or you can follow your grandmother's ways of doing it. Remove all the internal organs from the fish and dont worry when you cut open the fish, it wont go like 'bliakkk', then all the sisa-sisa drop out... No it wont!

5) I need to chop the fish into halve because it was unable to fit into the plate.

6) Next, put alot of ginger slices and add some soy sauce and a little bit of vinegar in it!

7) Besides that, you also need these things to steam itu fish!! Third picture that was previously shown.

8) Tadaeng - The final product after 10-15 mins of steaming

Learn how to cook a fish - GG-ied!

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