It has been 3days since i last updated my post. When i surrendered my room last saturday, i have not been onlining due to several reasons. 1) i was working during the day - 11am - 4pm. 2) Since it was weekend, i curi curi went back into my room to go online only during the night 3) paiseh to bug other ppl to use their comp to go online.
Anyway, if you are a little bored, do think hard for the question below before scrolling down for the answer kay?
Let me introduce to you,
and Bread
The question is :
Which is more talkative?
Kopi or Bread?
*Scroll down for the answer....
*think abit first...
Answer : BREAD
*do you know why?
Because BreadTalk but KopiTiam!?!
p/s : I am going off to spain+barcerona+portugal tomorrow evening for 8days. Will try to keep my blog updated with something interesting, if i get to online each night in the hostel. :P
Anyway, if you are a little bored, do think hard for the question below before scrolling down for the answer kay?
Let me introduce to you,

The question is :
Which is more talkative?
Kopi or Bread?

*Scroll down for the answer....
*think abit first...
Answer : BREAD
*do you know why?
Because BreadTalk but KopiTiam!?!
p/s : I am going off to spain+barcerona+portugal tomorrow evening for 8days. Will try to keep my blog updated with something interesting, if i get to online each night in the hostel. :P
Wah... holiday so long... I wish i had 8 days of holidays in Europe!
eh ck, basically not 8 days lorh. its consider a few months until the time i wish to work lorh. waiting for results + graduation nia mah. haha.
OMG dam lame, beh tahan..
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