Zha dou situation 1

Guy1 : Frankly, it is really not bad to have a girl to stay behind you...
Guy1 : Can wash clothes, can cook, also can zap room, plus giving you care and concerns...
Guy1: Have you ever thought of living without them?
Guy 2 : Ohh nothing geh, without them, i mah spend less lorh!
Guy 1 : Maybe. -_-"
Zha dou situation 2

Guy said to gal : Eh weird larh, how come so many gals wana become 'unmarried mother' geh?
Gal said to guy : They wana pass down their genes larh!
Guy said to gal : Nani? Then why dont they get married ohh?
Gal said to guy : Getting married means pass down generation for other people, dont get married means pass down generation for ownself larh!
Guy said to gal : ......
Zha dou situation 3

Gal 1 said to Gal 2 : Eh, what is the most TOUCHING 3 words that you have ever heard from your bf?
Gal 2 said to Gal 1 : Of coz is "i suka lu' larh!
Gal 1 said to Gal 2 : Ha! Nolorh. There was once when both my bf and i went shopping, then har he took his BLACK card out and said the most touching words ever lorh...
Gal 1 said to Gal 2 : He said "Swipe gao gao".
Zha dou situation 4

Thin Guy said to Fat Guy : Hey there, you got gf anot arh?
Fat Guy said to Thin Guy : Yes
Thin Guy said to Fat Guy : So how is the feeling of pak toh-ing wan arh?
Fat Guy said to Thin Guy : Empty lorh
Thin Guy said to Fat Guy : Erm.. But you look very fullfill woot?
Fat Guy said to Thin Guy : Take a look at my wallet then you know lorh.
And i always save the best for the last :
The final Zha dou situation

Husband said to Wife : You Everyday also mong cha cha, you are really such a sah poh larh.
Wife said to Husband : -_-" WHY u said i sah arhhh? (Grrrrrr)
Husband said to Wife : Guys tend to call the woman they like as silly gal mah.
Wife said to Husband : WHY?
Husband said to Wife : Coz find the same species dy mah. Happie lur :)
1 comment:
season finale zha dou situation
girl: hey this girl wrote bout u in ur blog saying she rejected u before..how come you never told me about it?
guy: bullshit. where got, dun simply frame me!
girl: i read ur friendster msg about it ok..-_-'' go check.
guy: go die larh.
-the end-
p/s: title of the story: wtf
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