I will not write a proper blog because i can barely type here. Imagine typing only with ring fingers, small fingers and thumbs, clicking mouse with your thumbs.
Three days ago i experienced unexplainable pain from my left wrist. i took 3 panadols per day and the pain finally subsided. Last night, my index and middle fingers of both hands sore with no reason. I couldnt think of any reason to explain all these.
Cant exactly see the swelling of my fingers but i ended up wrapping them up to minimize their movement.

Can you see it?
Three days ago i experienced unexplainable pain from my left wrist. i took 3 panadols per day and the pain finally subsided. Last night, my index and middle fingers of both hands sore with no reason. I couldnt think of any reason to explain all these.
Cant exactly see the swelling of my fingers but i ended up wrapping them up to minimize their movement.
Can you see it?
apa pasal?
Go to the doctor la, on Great Western Road I suppose :) Maybe it's RSI?
I noticed you're in Glasgow Uni? I went there too :)
no bother.
recover dy. fully :P thks yieng n julian.
nope. im from strathlyde uni, n where about u?
I'm in Malaysia, but did my first degree in Glasgow. Hope you're enjoying Glasgow as much as I did :)
haha icic. yeah i noe u are in msia, visited ur blog. :P
thks will do. though now super stress with final months!! haha.
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