After that, there were nothing much to do because everyone was done with their meal. So what they did the whole night was to drink, dance, drink, dance, drink, dance until 2am. While we continued to collect empty glasses and washed them from time to time. At sometime later, the super da nice supervisor turned up again - "everybody get to order a drink at the bar, and we can drink together later since it is new year's eve today!". wahhh, song! ;)
At 5mins to 12am, we all had our drinks ready for welcoming year 2008. Although the countdown was rather a sad case, sienz n down, but we get to chill outside the ship for at least 10mins.
Customers are very friendly and well educated. They like us very much too. 2of them requested a photo with the 5of us lerh! lolz.
Richard is being nice again, the third time i mentioned him liao - "im sorry but i have to keep you guys till 2am, i will pay u guys up to then, plus half an hour extra for you all okay?" OF COZ ALRITE, the longer the merrier mah. In the end, he signed us off one and half hours extra (x2 = 3hrs extra) LOLZ. And he called a cab for us at 3am, foc plus getting back to home safely.
work Work WORK! i have worked for 14 hours in total but i will get a total of 26hours pay instead later on. DOUBLE PAY mah, shiok rite? damn happy. but i stil lose to Lbb, who earned a total of 26hours too, but her tips was another 7hrs + lerh, try to calculate that figure in pounds. @.@ salute her!!
Heppie new year again guys!! :)
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