30 july
IT was malakoff dualathon series... by 4am in the morning, v hav got ourselves up!! this time it was held at putrajaya... imu team - aaron, jack, chee keong n me had made an effort to de race...
if u consider urself as a powerman, take up the challenge in individual event : - run for 10km, cycle 50km (u can reach seremban liao from bukit jalil), and run for 5 km.. isnt it siao siao? wudnt hav consider lehh... @_@
aaron did a sprint run(5km run, 25km cycle, 3km run), where as i was in the team event(i did de first 10km run, ck cycle 50km, jack runs 5km)
the run wasnt tough.. the opponents wasnt tough if compare them with the previous marathon runner.. but to complete 10km was really a torture lar.. seriously.. time to kip ur mental strong bside battling away de pain from leg aching...
aaron came up to be 5th... congrats!! hehe... while v made it 20+, didnt get anything but a cert Plus de experience.. afta the run, got to steal the bicycle from aaron and cycle with jack for few km... mus grab this golden chance lar, the bicycle costs bout rm1000 k..
my wkend passed really fast leh... its da end of wk7 as i flipped through my timetable... confused!

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