9th july
ATTENDED a tkd grading with dad n cousin andy this morning.. i hav been looking fwd for this grading since last year.. anyway, this is the first senior upgrading, held by the new tkd body of malaysia, MTF(malaysia takwondo federation)
there hav been changes in the grading... whole new system now.. beside basic, kicks, one step sparring, hand grabbing, sparring, v were requested to perform 4 patterns + blank breaking + oral test... the physical test carried a total mark of 300, while oral test carried 100marks.. while for attending 5th and above, they are required to do another course work afta the grading..
the grading took 4 hrs in total.. from 9-1pm with some rest in between.. the oral test is rather time wasting? ?@__@ it was divided into 2 parts, pratical work + politic... had viva with 2 senior masters, last almost 40mins to an hr individually...
da grading is rather tough* as compare to last time.. wish that i could get my 3rd dan soon lar.. heheh :)
was starving while waiting to be questioned.. got home for lunch.. rested while watching tv.. online awhile.. taken bath to refresh.. got my tired self to imu for running selection at5pm...
many didnt turn out for the selection ler.. ran finish n i managed to get myself a place in the team for mapcu track n field.. will keep track of my timing, 400m-59secs, 800m- 2mins 32secs... both were terrible timing ler... ahhaa... tiredddddddddddddddddddddd!
later rushed home to fetch dad for dinner with family.. hrrmph.. it has been long that v cudnt get togetha for a dinner.. (cos sistaS alwiz pak toh till late night... ) hv an early celebration for dad's bd.. happie ealieried 47th bd dad!
tired n laze ard at home for few hrs... did managed to watch world cup final with bro at home.. france held a betta possesion of the ball, dey are controlling the match well, with a 1-1 score in the late second half, loses their chance to italy when zidane was sent off the field... in the end, italy won by 5-3 thru penalty shootout... huuuurayyy italy, being the 4th time champion for wc... da match ended at bout 5am... quickly got to my bed... Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz soundly.........
ItalY my saviour.. hehe.. **wink wink~

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