today is april fool + annual imu ball day!
i went to UM to watch tkd competition in the morning, came back at 3pm for lunch, shower n rush to vista to meet up the rest at 4pm..so can say that excitements only starts from the noon, wher evy1 was busy with their setting up of hair, makeup n dressing up...
there was a delay, the ball registartion suppose to start at 6, and v only begin to leave IMU at 6.10 lerrrr... :O but things turn out well n v still mangaed to be ther on time, bout 6.50..
wowWwww.. wowwwwwwwWwww.. WowwwwwWwwwwwwwww... evybody has changed into a NEW IMAGE! for gals, all dressed up gorgoeusssssssly n' sexyyyyyyyyyyyyly n' prettyyyyly! for guys, some look the same, some more gorgeous!
during the ball, the following things caught my attention..
1) performance by juniors (belle n' chair dance? )
2) intro video n animation by chow (very very cun!!!!!! appreciate it very much!)
3)prom king n' prom queen nominees (pharm nominees included philip n' shirlyn :P) prom king was won by chow(sem5), whereas prom queen won by chirstine(sem4)!
well, the ball was considered 'pass', great memory with my lovely frens ther....
~ b4 going to the ball ~ ~ the liang zais @ the ball hall~
~ and now the liang muiS lorrr ~
~happie family lorrr! ~

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