I hav made a comparison between KBU AUSMAT pre-U n Taylors SAM pre-U recently to help my bro to select a suitable course for him.. they are basically the same, which has the same course strucuture, same external examination, carry diff names due to their location of the board of examination... hav talk with taylors n kbu counselors recently.. hav seek mr yap's views thru mail as well, thks sir!!!
KBU offers scholarship as follow :
Merit :
8A's n above- tuition 100% fees waiver
7A's - 30%
6A's - 20%
5A's - 10%
Sport :
school sportman - rm4000
national athlete - rm4000
state -rm3000
head prefect -rm 2000
Taylors offers scholarship as follow :
11A1 n above - full scholarship
12A's n above - rm 3000
10A1 - rm2000
To obtain the taylors scholarship, it is near impossible this time i guess, not as compare to my year, which only require a 9A1's n above to obtain full scholarship..
My bro had chose to take ausmat, 1 due to transport prob, KBU is far nearer to my hse than taylors,2 fees- taylors fees = rm16k, kbu=rm11k, 3 hoping to get scholarship...
dad with zhuon went to register today.. eh tried to apply the rm4000 scholarship with his form 2 sportman cert, however it was rejected.. reason = too long ago! den he applied again with his annually tkd national remaja cert, n it was approved! so ended up he got a scholarship worth rm 3000 wow!! not too bad!! :P still hoping that he can get the full sholarship by scoring 8A;s in his spm!!
receive a news that my sem3 will be starting at 1.30pm on nex tues..
hmmm.. i am looking for that day beside this sat countdown.. ohya n today is the last day for booking of air asia free tickets, so plan it well for hols n go booking for it :P