To my Cho Hui Yin dearest : I love you always and forever!
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
KNN P1wimax customer service
My name is ding. I have some problems with going online with p1wimax. I have tried contact the technical staff (at least 10 times) for continuously 3 days. But the latest info was that a staff close my case just like that,nothing has been done. I WILL F*CKING FIRE GAO GAO THESE FEW STAFFS WHO PICKED UP MY CALLS (Mr kenny wong, key, gee, Asfafuddin). I would really like you kind sir to call me back on my handphone to discuss about the problem. Please call me back at 016XXXXXXX. Many thanks.
Its okay if you dont call me back, i will go to your office personally this saturday!
Saturday, October 31, 2009
They are brothers
Me : Hey, tmr can bring ah mah2 hkl for eye clinic first appointment? cos her first appointment is on 23rd June but she will be in Sabah that time. I tried to change the date to 11th june where i will be going back home but its full. If not, need to skip her first appoinment and follow up on 21st July.
One hour jo still no reply...
Me : Hey. can or cannot please reply.
A few mins later...
Him1 : I can't, i have work. I can't take leave... continue reading Just To You
RECENTLY i wrote an approximate 800 words email to another him. It has to be something very serious that i spent my time writing this long email to seek his opinion. 6 days has passed, i found out from my dad that he actually went back home last weekend so i text him to find out what actually happened.
Me : Hei bro. Did you receive my email on 23rd October?
Him2 : Yes, why?
Me : But u neva reply? i tot u didnt get it. So what do u think? 2day they all decided 2let ah gong hav beta diet already. cos nw getting much worst. lost of appetite n walk wit support bcos no energy.
Him2 : I went bk last wkend. i heard frm them that the chinese doc restricts all of the diet. let c wat happen after 1 month.
Me: Im not going 2wait anymore. i told them 2resume the last time diet already. nvm. i play game sin. ciao.
From now onwards, I gave up on this another him. Everything written above are true. I never add a single word from our conversation!
My ah gong is an ESRF (end stage renal failure patient). We were almost ready to bring him for dialysis last month. However, my family decided to try out TCM (traditional chinese medicine) before starting dialysis. So we went to a small town in perak (approximately 2 hours drive from KL) to see this chinese physician, came home with 30 packets of chinese herbal medicine after spending approximately RM 500.
2 weeks after the treatment, my ah gong lost 3 kg, lost of appetite very seriously (because of the completely ridiculous strict diet from the chinese physician) and feeling weak.
My email is as below :
"Hey uncle lee and andy bro,
Its gonna be long. So do continue reading only when you are really free. hehe.
I requested my dad to bring ah gong for renal profile test yesterday and the result came back today. Here is the comparison between 1st October and 21st October. Ah gong started on the 'magical' TCM on 6st October.
Electrolytes : 1st October vs 21st October (Ref range)
Urea : 19.8 vs 12.9 ( 1.7 - 8.3 )
Creatinine : 474 vs 454 (<150)>
There is a major improvement in urea (what does it means?). The improvement in creatinine is almost negligible because looking at ah gong's trend, creatinine can go down or up even WITHOUT SUPER STRICT DIET CONTROL PLUS 'magical' TCM. BUT THERE IS A VERY MINOR DECLINE IN CREATININE CLEARANCE DESPITE THE SUPER STRICT DIET CONTROL.
Next, ah gong called me last sunday to inform me about his bp trend. Then i called him today too. To all of our surprise, i think he is almost a doctor/pharmacist now. He stopped taking Amlodipine 5mg ON for the past 3 days already (without informing any of us, i guess), although i have reminded him to inform me regarding any changes in medication/sick/side effects for many times. His bp dropped tremendously throughout the 6 days. Something like this : sunday (116/74), monday ( 108/69), tuesday (118/70), wednesday (126/68), thursday (122/68). Normally his bp was at least 160/70 in the morning. all the values shown are taken morning (afternoon and night values are good : between 130-150/60-75). He said he felt giddy (almost fainted) upon waking up on Monday and Tuesday. He stopped taking Amlo 5mg Tuesday night. The bp was monitored for the following 3 days and the values are good. Why??? Could it be due to the chinese medicine? Why is it only start taking effect after 2 weeks?? I trust him in modifying his hypertension medication because he could still communicate rationally.
Next, big issue is up. Ah gong has lost 3kg in 2 weeks time. He complaint to me that he is feeling loss of appetite because of his SUPER strict diet. He is taking oats with milk every morning (no more bread or kon lou mee), only fried mee hun once in the past 2 weeks, then rice with 2 types of vege for lunch (almost tasteless, because no aginomoto, no soysauce, only little bit of salt), then the same or slightly different dishes for dinner. He wants more varieties! He finally complaint and i told him it was great to hear his complains.
i know the cooking part is mainly putting on fault on my mum or ah mu (they were ordered and i havent spoken to my mum regarding this yet), but the main thing that we must all agree first is on the diet modification. All of us should come to one same conclusion. we will have to let the family members accept what we want ah gong to take before ah gong himself, and ah mah(the biggest person in the family). I will email the BAN's and the CAN's from the chinese prescriber once i contacted my bro (it was written on my book at PJ).
and ah gong's renal function BEFORE and AFTER taking chinese medicine
We need to think of a best diet modification plan for the cooker/carers/patient asap! Thank you very much!! Sorry to write u guys such a long email!
Some words for the 2 him.
1) If you cant care for your own grandparents, i doubt you will care for the patients (on your own initiative). Why the f*ck you want to follow up on one patient when you only see them in the ward (maybe once in your lifetime)?
2) If you cant spend time to examine your own grandparents, why did you examine other patient? You examine the patient every morning because you MO or specialist want you to do so? DAMN.
3) Drop your job. You are such an irresponsible grandson! I wont respect you at all. Doctor? Pharmacist?
Conclusion : They are brothers.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
HSAJB news : Walao-eh
weekend & pub hol :
a) beginning 31/10/09, Prp in tdm to work from 8am-1pm instead of 10am - 1pm..u need to follow-up d case in d morning.. HAR? WTF?? WHY WHY WHY???
b) as mentioned, tdm service is close at if any emergency (poisoning case) tdm sample come after 1pm, its d responsibility of the PF/PRP working at Farmasi a&e (8am-5pm) to do d tdm..
c) those working in ward, there r some regulation u need to follow:
sila catitkan kehadiran anda bertugas, masa sampai dan masa balik dalam buku rekod di farmasi satelit WTTTFFFF!!!
sila catitkan juga butiran bil borang cp1 - cp4 yang diisi & bil kaunseling dibuat sepanjang bertugas pada hari berkenaan dalam buku rekod item
sebelum pulang, bawa semua borang terbabit kepada peg farmasi di a&e (yg bertugas 8am-5pm) untuk dicounter sign.. WWWWTTTTTTFFFFFFFFFFF!!
anything tak faham, pls ask cik siti rosnah or myself..
d) prp working in tpn, after u finish prepare ur tpn bag, pls call & inform pharmacist at a&e to come n check your tpn bag (extension number 2290).. Must be the frp's idea... this one is acceptable!

My friends arh, why last time working on call for ward is considered one of the best on call, now become the worst already lur. Sobs! Sat A boss told me the rules will be effective from 1st Nov, my only ward on call is on this Saturday (31st October), mou diu only. WooooohoooooOOoo! :)
Monday, October 19, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Frp posting
OMFG! EVERYBODY was talking about it so seriouly that day. I went to the office to enquire regarding transportation of cars to East Malaysia and the staffs in the office were all shocked!
5 of them (zhi yang, choon sen, yan jing, kim yen and shirlene) will be flying to Sabah tomorrow morning.
Tan zhi yang, the person who had dinner with me ALMOST every single night during the past 8 months will be going to Sabah tomorrow.
He said thank you to me in msn, for 3 times. Of course, i feel exactly the same. I want to thank him for accompanying me for dinner, gym, lending forensic books for me, sharing thoughts with me and many more!!! Thank you once again. Gambateh in Sabah! To the rest of you going to Sabah, Sarawak, Kelantan, Pahang and other places, I wish all of you success in your career and stay happy always!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I skipped work for something :)
When you are still a student, Would you skipped class to play dota/go shopping?
When you are working, would you skipped work to play dota/go shopping?
Mr Kv and i had planned a dagei trip since Monday. We asked each other out for dagei since at least 5 months ago and we always never make it. (you see how hard we actually get a chance?) However, our plan was stopped initially because Angela (Hui Hoon, who is the KPF of hospital kota tinggi) came back to HSI. Mr Kv and i decided to join the rest for lunch with Angela instead of dagei, although we both rated eating with Angela (3.5/5.0) and Dagei (5.5/5.0).
After lunch, the gals decided to go to Jusco Tebrau. That was the time when Kv and i headed to cc for our dota game!!!
We went back to work at 2.50pm (just 5mins late only leh), ahem (actually cdr nothing to do during friday afternoon one, especially now is Raya period). I joined the cpd session and grabbed a box of chicky meal (kfc set meal).
After we filled our stomach with kfc, we took our bag and headed back to the same cyber cafe at 4.40pm!
By the way, today is the last day of July according to chinese calender. Happy ending ghost festival!
Selamat Hari Raya to all muslim
Happy holidays for chinese and indians
Happy working to ME
ADV - Dingo Bingo
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Say bye bye to CDR after Friday
Tcp :'good news for you guys. You all just need to hand in the hard copy of your presentation to cik Faiz and you can choose not to present to us(frps)".
Ngiak ngiak ngiak!
Freaking alot of cases these few days. As cik Faiz decided to move next week's regime to this week.
2 days of CDR made me fall sick already man! I need some rest ;(
Saturday, September 12, 2009
A visit to Miao Miao city (Kuching)
Some might answer uncle lim,
snapping pics with his Canon 1000D
or mr Yeoh,
sms-ing with his exPedia Hp
Well, for the rest of you, I believe the first 2 things that come to your mind about Kuching must be Kucing (Cat) and Food!
The very first night when we (Jian, Qris and I) arrived in Kuching, they (Hsheong, Uncle lim, and Xiao wei) brought us to the Kuching Open Air Market for dinner. One thing very special in Kuching is about their drinks.
This drink is called White Lady (combination of milk + longan + Pineapple ),priced at RM2.50, famous in Kuching. I have no idea why is it called white lady. White Lady = Ang Moh lady?

Next, they have Tomato mee, keow teow or mee pok.

The next morning, we had the famous Kon Lo Mee in Kuching.
There are two types, white sauce and red sauce. Both very oily. Definitely prefer the red sauce, YES THE RED SAUCE.
After breakfast, we had a chance to visit the largest shopping mall in Kuching, The Spring Mall.

Then, we headed to another hawker centre for some local food.
The Hock Chew Kong Pia, tasted like heaven, RM 0.40 each
Sarawak Rojak
Sarawak Laksa
The 4 of them
and the 4 of us
After lunch, we went for a walk along the Kuching lake. We then took a boat to the other side of the lake in search of kek lapis. It only cost RM 0.60 per person per journey.
Pakcik sampan
Jian and Qris
Uncle Lim and Mr Yeoh
Me. ME. ME.
We were able to meet the rest of the p105-ians during dinner time.
From L-R : Me, Jian, Qris, Ming Ying, Sue Choo, Yeoh Ah sou, Mr yeoh, Uncle Lim
The next morning, we took a visit to the Cultural Village (aka Kampung Budaya Kuching). The ticket is very expensive.
Luckily, thanks to IMU, who gave us a student card with no expiry date on it, we were able to fake ourselves as a student, and got a ticket at the price of RM 15 each. It is even cheaper than purchasing a child ticket!! Child =/ student?
The fun time came in when Qris and Jian got themselves dressed up in traditional Iban clothes.
Which one is your favourite picture? Feel free to vote please.
After the boring cultural show, we left Cultural Village and headed for dinner - S-E-A-FOOD!
And finally, we went to the beach to catch the sunset.
To vb gang out there, i missed playing beach volleyball so damn much!!!!! i want a trip at the beach with you guys! Motivate me to organise one...
That marks the end for MiaoMiao Visit! Up next - Hong kong trip with loupoh, Desaru visit, Sentosa day trip with ang moh + uncle lim and p106 graduation!
ADV - tweet your way to win an ipod touch
By using twitter, I am also able to participate inNetfirms contest and if I get lucky, I could bring home an ipod touch or a Macbook.
Ipod touch is very handy and its small size fits nicely into my pockets. It is everything in one - my daily planner, phone book and the internet which is really important for me as i need to frequently check my emails and facebook for updated statuses. One thing i find exceptionally convenient when i travel with an ipod touch is the ability for me to update my family and friends of my whereabouts by using the free wifi in many places such as Starbucks and McDonalds in order to save up on my phone bill!
All you have to do is really simple. Just tweet this "Win a #free iPod Touch or Macbook from the @Netfirms #contest. Domain registration services via Twitter" or register a domain name via the Netfirms Twitter Domain Registration service for $7.99. Each retweet is worth one entry per day while one domain registered is worth one entry as well.

Saturday, September 05, 2009
A visit to Miao Miao City (Kuching)
Some might answer uncle lim,
snapping pics with his Canon 1000D
or mr Yeoh,
sms-ing with his exPedia Hp
Well, for the rest of you, I believe the first 2 things that come to your mind about Kuching must be Kucing (Cat) and Food!
The very first night when we (Jian, Qris and I) arrived in Kuching, they (Hsheong, Uncle lim, and Xiao wei) brought us to the Kuching Open Air Market for dinner. One thing very special in Kuching is about their drinks.
This drink is called White Lady (combination of milk + longan + Pineapple ),priced at RM2.50, famous in Kuching. I have no idea why is it called white lady. White Lady = Ang Moh lady?

Next, they have Tomato mee, keow teow or mee pok.

The next morning, we had the famous Kon Lo Mee in Kuching.
There are two types, white sauce and red sauce. Both very oily. Definitely prefer the red sauce, YES THE RED SAUCE.
After breakfast, we had a chance to visit the largest shopping mall in Kuching, The Spring Mall.

Then, we headed to another hawker centre for some local food.
The Hock Chew Kong Pia, tasted like heaven, RM 0.40 each
Sarawak Rojak
Sarawak Laksa
The 4 of them
and the 4 of us
KNN MCB LJ!!!!!! I am super frustrated with my internet connection! One hour dc-ied 7-8 times and i cant upload a single file!!! Even a 30kb excel file took a few mins to upload. I have all the pictures ready a few days back but i beh tahan already and decided to post it first. I will only post them up when my connection speed resume back to normal. P1wimax, i will not pay a single cent for this downtime period!! KNN...