I believe that all parents are concern over the downsides of Internet - Pornography. If you would like to combat pornography and keep your children safe from internet pornography, it is necessary to have both a filter for adult content and also a pornographic detection tool like SurfRecon. It is inappropriate for young children to have access to internet porn at the young age. What is more upset is that they might have access to the adult website even if you have installed a filter. There were evidences showing a 10 year old boy who managed to crack the government porn filter in merely 30 seconds. SurfRecon tool helps to detect porn related materials (including hidden materials) from the computer.

What do you think people?

What do you think people?
Thank you for the info. We will look into SurfRecon for our network.
- Matt
You can download a free evaluation of SurfRecon at www.surfrecon.com/download/
You should also learn about the ABCs of Internet Safety and pornography detection tools.
Has anyone tried to use SurfRecon with a Mac browser?
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