For kenny, he thinks that height is not the most important factor. "For me, I think height is not the most important quality a model should have. I reckon as long as you have a sweet and presentable face, you're good to be a model already."
Sometimes, the judges came to one same conclusion, but at times, they have different views on different girls, watch their funny yet realistic judgements at malaysian dreamgirl .
The first two episodes on auditions were out at malaysian dreamgirl. Quickly catch up the first 2 episodes, then make sure you are on time for the next episode - episode 3 about the top 12 finalists will be showed online this thursday, 13th of March.
So, the top 12 finalists for malaysian dreamgirls 2008 are out! There are consist of all kinds of girls, from short to tall, from indian, malay to chinese, from not-so-pretty to pretty. Catch them up at malaysian dreamgirls top 12.
Who do you like the most? Why?
All 12 of them have different good and bad sides. Its now all up to malaysian to judge, to vote, and choose one top model formalaysian dreamgirl .
My judging skills are really bad. I only managed to find the top 5 from the 12 of them. I went through the audition videos. I have tried really hard to decide the top 5 which have the most potentials to become the next top model for Malaysia. And of course, you are free to Agree or Disagree with me.
My top5 regardless of rankings :





Out of the predicted top 5, i will move one step closer and i would like to urge everyone to vote for Jean. She is currently a 3rd year pharmacy student in IMU. If she managed to persuade ALL 3judges to secure herself a place in the top12, i think she should deserve another step ahead by winning the majority vote from the public!

Written by Jean ...
"Jean will be making a public appearance in One Utama Sunday 16 March at noon!
Be there!
To vote for Jean, SMS “DREAM 08” to 33001."
During the star education fair 2008, Jean commented that she joined the competition with open minded. “I am very excited to have got this far as it is my first attempt at modelling” souce taken from thestar online
"Vote for your favourite model and stand to win incredible prizes. Each vote shall be charged RM1.00. Normal mobile operator’s network charges apply." source taken from malaysian dreamgirl

Vote for Jean
- Simply, because she has the potential to be the one -
To vote for Jean, SMS “DREAM 08” to 33001
Thank you for the very flattering post on Jean, your Malaysian Dreamgirl.
I would like to be in contact with you. Please email me at
To vote for Jean, SMS "DREAM 08" to 33001.
haha.. you are welcome.
im hoping that she will win too! :)
That's funny, all your choices happen to be chinese. Adeline cant even speak english, and cindy is dumb as hell. i wonder if its really the judges who are lacking taste or if you need to get your eyes checked. Jean, the only good one of the lot, unfortunately dropped out.
thank you for your reply. Im afraid that Valerie is not a chinese. and i agree that bias exists among each human. How fair can you be?
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