17 feb 07, Sat
'Gong Xi Fa Chai' n 'happie chinese new year' are the most common greetings heard at this time... tonite is 30th night, will be having reunion dinner at home about an hr from now lur ;)
will drink-play, drink-talk, drink-drunk, drin-Zzz tonite.. heh... ;)
happie cny to my dear dear n' family! ;)
happie cny my frens!!
-step step high rise, year year got fish, dragon horse sperm spirit, gong xi f*** cai.. haha.. ;) happie pig year ahead!!!!! - ;)
happie cny!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
happie cny guys!~
Monday, February 12, 2007
afta CNS DD2 class test! ;)
12 feb 07'
:) A BIG SMILE was drawn from my face when i turned over the exam booklet this morning!!
"give examples drugs for depression treatment, explain the side effects, mechanism of action.. blah blah blah.... "
it was the first time v hav spotted the right essay question, or rather the first time the lecturer (prof yeoh, thks :) ) actually reviewed us 100%tips on what to study for this test!
I AM SO RELIEVE AFTA THE TEST! ;) wanna zZzzz for long long@@
Instead, went to dear dear's place and had bacon n sausages for bfast ;p
NOW browsing website to check on notebooks updates.. i will be working a survey job tonite to earn myself rm100 token :) and perhaps can hav a pre-valentine's nite.. lolz..
hmmm... basically class before chinese new year is over dy, except need to attend a full day attachment day @hostpital seremban this friday..
Grab a complete class pic, for the past food fair on 16jan.. here is it..

klah enuf of blaaaabling dy... i wan to Zzzzzzz... here in library....really........... @_@