THe annual IMU goodwill games was held today.. IMU bukit jalil VS IMU seremban... a total of 11 events were on.. which are male basketball, female basketball, netball, darts, table tennis, badminton, male futsal, female futsal, male volleyball, female volleyball, n' road relay!!
Being more active this year, i took up 2 events, table tennis n' road relay since the timing are jus perfect.. one from 2-4, the other starts at 5.. hehe...
BEFORE the tabel tennis match - lunch-ing at A & W, beside lake garden

~it looks like sumthing big is in the lake... ~

~ hmmmmm... ~

~ i hav got myself a big monster.. hehe.. not bad huh???~

~ the ping pong team @ lake garden b4 the match... ~

~ Our pp boss, desmond! ~

~ shaun in action ~

~ this is daniel lor.. ! ~

~ yu ying n' me ~

~ happie PP family... victory moment... ^^ ~
As for pp, the organizing team was duper ineffective yet lousy... they called off the gals team as they dunhav enuf gals players... sumore they setted up for 4 men doubles, 2 female doubles n' i mixed doubles.. but they themselves do not hav enuf players.. rather smart huh??? anyhow... v managed to dabao them, 7 - 0, what a record man.. lolZ!
ON the other hand, there was a delay of the run, we are waiting for the seremban team lur.. while waiting, v received a big news that IMU bukit jalil DRAW with IMU seremban with 5 - 5 wins each.. so this LAST road relay event will determine who to be the overall champion.. wahhh... stress ler???
v managed to run with stress free lar, n ended up to beat seremban runners... keke...

so i hav got myself the first 2 gold medals in year 06', indeed a good starting huh?? =)
1 comment:
wah..congrats wor..2 gold medals all..haha..must belanja sushi to celebrate ady!! apa ni..go a&w all nv call me..haha! u caught the fish there ka? where got ppl go fishing there wan..ppl go beside the lake there to paktoh wan..
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