29 Apr, Sat
I was involved in a car accident on 28th apr, where a motorcycle banged right onto my side door when im turning out a T-junction near kelana jaya. We had a quarrel session that lasted about half an hour and we ended up agreeing to pay for the damage of the vehicles on our own. So suiiiiii!!!
I had an early birthday party at home for my 21st burfday! Mum handled the cooking alone that night n sis prepared sushi for everyone. There was about 30ppl on that night! Many of them failed to turn up because they are back to their hometown. Dear dear accompanied me almost one whole day. Flora, million n thian made their effort to turn up even though they are having their finals on the following monday. Hsheong lead qris n vyeaw the way to come n went off for family dinner after wishing me! kah yee came after her work from atria.. Wmeng came all his way from penang! Darren was the first guest to arrive! giam, wei chuen n meng yip arrived at about 10pm!! thks everyone! ;)

After dinner, dear dear n i were busy preparing ice-kacang for everyone. We spent alomst an hour for that!!! Then my dad lighted the cake and i enjoyed myself with the birthday song from everyone. I closed my eyes and made wishes. Someone from behind smacked a plate of fresh cream right onto my face before i opened my eyes again to blow the candles off. That wasnt the end yet. After i cleaned them off nicely, ah hoo smacked another one onto my face! ishhhh!! i shud have been aware of that right from the beginning! The lucky thing was that my dad gave them fresh cream instead of butter cream!! @_@

to whoever who wishes me early, on time or late,Thks for wishing me on my big day n thks 4 the presents!! i like them alot ;)
and specially to my dear dear,

happie 5months anniversary!